DDOT Projects

Nov and Dec 2024: DDOT: Update on Notice of Intent for North Capitol St and Rhode Island Avenue

UPDATE --- December 2024: In December, ANC 5E voted to oppose the measures proposed by DDOT in the NOI. The text of the  resolution is available here.

UPDATE --- November 2024: DDOT has issued an updated Notice of Intent on proposed traffic pattern changes on North Capitol St and Rhode Island Avenue which would impact traffic patterns. 

The interventions proposed by DDOT are as follows:

The map provided by DDOT highlights how traffic patterns would change for people who need to go on N. Cap St from RI Avenue.

The deadline to submit feedback is 12/31, please email me at 5E04@anc.dc.gov

Aug 2024: DDOT: New Crosswalk on 2nd and V St NW

August 22, 2024: The striping for the new crosswalk has gone in on 2nd St Nw between V and W St NW. I have asked DDOT for an update on the installation of the ADA ramps and bringing the parking signs into compliance.

June 25, 2024: A few folks had also asked about why they chose this location instead of the north side - the driveway at the north side was why a crosswalk could not be installed there. Also, note that the deadline for comments has been extended to July 22, 2024.

June 24, 2024: D.C. Department of Transportation (DDOT) has issued a new Notice of Intent to add a crosswalk on 2nd St NW (between V St and W St NW). This has been a long awaited project, and one I have advocated for on behalf of residents since October 2022! You can submit comments to me before the deadline of July 22, 2024 via email at 5E04@anc.dc.gov

In addition to adding a crosswalk, DDOT will also fix the parking signs to ensure they are in compliance (see explanation below). The bike corral at the corner of 2nd and V St NW will not be impacted as a result of this new crosswalk. A huge shoutout to all the residents who long asked for this vital safety improvement! 

In addition, DDOT has also updated that the crosswalk will be ADA-accessible with ramps. 

From DDOT: The image below that indicates existing parking restriction vs. newly proposed parking restrictions. Please note that some of the existing parking signs were not in compliance so we had to correct it as part of this project. (For example, parking within 25 ft from a stop sign is illegal, but existing parking signs on each side of stop sign was within 25 ft so we are correcting them).

April 2024: DDOT: Update on Notice of Intent for North Capitol St and Rhode Island Avenue

UPDATE --- April 2024: DDOT will move forward with short term improvements while putting on hold the changes that would impact T St NW. Please see note from DDOT's Acting Director Sharon Kershbaum below:

"The team is continuing to explore potential alternatives for Rhode Island and North Capitol by collecting additional data for the intersection as well as along T St NW.  This work will likely take a few months, so we are going to continue to hold on the plan that impacted T St NW.  We do want to make short term safety improvements in the interim, so those will proceed, but we will not make any changes to T St NW and the existing time-limited left-turn restriction on Rhode Island.  This will also give us an opportunity to assess the impact of the short term improvements.  

To sum up, these are interventions relevant to the NOI 23-206-TESD, grouped by which will and will not move forward:  

What we will move forward:

What we will NOT move forward:  

Note from Huma: Please continue to reach out if you have any questions on this matter at 5E04@anc.dc.gov


UPDATE -- March 2024: DDOT has informed Ward 5 Councilmember Parker's office and residents that DDOT's decision is on hold for now. Further updates will be communicated in due course.

UPDATE -- February 27: On February 27, 2024, DDOT informed ANCs 5E and 5F of their decision to proceed with enacting safety improvements to North Capitol St NW and Rhode Island Avenue NW. In summary, DDOT will be implementing all the safety improvements outlined in the Notice of Intent. 

RECAP: Back in September 2023, DDOT had issued a Notice of Intent that would restrict some turns, add pedestrian safety measures, and impact traffic patterns on North Capitol St NW, Rhode Island Avenue NW, and T St NW (see maps further down - Changes 1-3 will be implemented). 

Both ANC 5E and ANC 5F, which would be impacted by the changes, had passed separate resolutions with suggestions for DDOT to consider. 

CURRENT STATUS: DDOT informed the ANCs that their Traffic Engineering and Safety Division (TESD) reviewed both resolutions (passed by ANC 5E and ANC 5F)  carefully with great weight. While acknowledging that ANC 5E did not specifically endorse the recommendation of “Full restriction of the eastbound left turn phase at all times of day", DDOT determined that the suggestions provided were not feasible or recommended at this time. In addition, DDOT has said that "the proposed "full time" restriction of the eastbound left turn phase is critical to improve pedestrian and vehicular safety."

In response to the suggestions provided by both ANCs, as well as residents, DDOT is undertaking the following:

MY TWO CENTS: My first and foremost goal is to advocate for our streets to be safer. We all agree that this intersection - and so many others in our Ward - are incredibly unsafe, and it has taken years of tireless advocacy for DDOT to take a fresh look at safety improvements at this intersection. I am grateful that DDOT is also repairing the speed humps on T St NW and looking at the feasibility of an east-west multimodal connection that would help reconnect our neighborhoods, and promote safer streets for people of all ages who commute by bikes and scooters.

While I wish DDOT had suggested measures that would reduce vehicular traffic altogether on both N. Capitol St. and Rhode Island Avenue instead of redirecting some vehicles onto T St NW, every tiny step to making our streets calmer and safer is a long overdue one.

It is no exaggeration that this intersection is incredibly dangerous as it exists in its current state. Many of us have long advocated for DDOT to take urgent measures to address the multiple issues that exist here, as well as on the intersections of 1st and Rhode Island Avenue NW, 1st and T St NW, and North Capitol St and T St NW

NEXT STEPS: I have asked the DDOT team to look at further safety improvements at the above-mentioned locations. I've also asked them provide a date by when the new traffic patterns and safety measures will be implemented, and will advise folks on any construction and roadwork related changes that people should expect in the days to come.

Please email me at 5E04@anc.dc.gov with any questions and sign up for the mailing list for updates!

UPDATE -- October 17: On October 17, ANC 5E passed a resolution in response to the Notice of Intent. In summary, ANC 5E endorsed change #1, and did not endorse changes 2 and 3 that would redirect EB traffic on Rhode Island Avenue headed to North Capitol St on to T St NW. The resolution is available here

September 27: D.C. Department of Transportation (DDOT) has issued a Notice of Intent  (NOI) for proposed changes to traffic flow, as well as infrastructure upgrades to improve pedestrian safety at North Capitol St and Rhode Island Avenue. In addition to adding infrastructure upgrades to ensure compliance with traffic laws and improve pedestrian safety, DDOT is proposing the changes (detailed below) to traffic flows.

ANC 5E will vote on the NOI at its October 17 , 2023 public meeting. As part of the feedback to DDOT, ANC 5E commissioners whose Single Member Districts will be impacted by this change will draft a resolution with recommendations and feedback for DDOT and bring it up for a vote by the full ANC 5E.

How to submit feedback: Please send feedback by no later than October 12, 2023. You can submit feedback in multiple ways:

Original Proposal in NOI

Change 1: Westbound Rhode Island to Southbound North Cap

Conversion of westbound protected-permissive left turn phase to protected-only (eliminates turn conflicts with pedestrians). 

DDOT Explanation: A protected-only left turn phase will provide exclusive time for left turning traffic, following the provision of the pedestrian walk time. During the time pedestrians are served, westbound Rhode Island Avenue left turning traffic onto southbound North Capitol Street will be stopped on red arrow and eastbound right turns from Rhode Island Ave to North Capitol Street will continue to be allowed to turn permissively while yielding to pedestrians. 


Currently, westbound Rhode Island Avenue left turning traffic onto southbound North Capitol Street is allowed to make this turn while yielding to pedestrians on the crosswalk as well as yielding to eastbound Rhode Island Avenue vehicular traffic. 

Change 2: Eastbound Rhode Island to Northbound North Cap

Full restriction of the eastbound left turn phase at all times of day to improve pedestrian and vehicular safety. 

DDOT Explanation: Currently the left turn movement from eastbound Rhode Island Avenue onto northbound North Capitol Street is restricted during the AM and PM rush hours, but permitted at other times of day. Vehicles making this turning movement are required to yield to oncoming westbound Rhode Island Ave traffic. This turn will now be prohibited at all times. 

Change 3: Eastbound Rhode Island to T St NW

Diversion of eastbound Rhode Island Ave traffic at 1st St NW to T St NW to access northbound N. Capitol St. 

DDOT Explanation: T Street NW is designated as a collector roadway, designed to provide connection between local roads and higher-volume arterials. The proposed change would increase traffic by around 100 vehicles per hour at most during off-peak hours; during peak hours, vehicles are already directed onto T Street NW to access northbound North Capitol Street by navigation apps. 

February 2024: DDOT: Response to ANC 5E Resolution on Safety Improvements to 100 Block of T St NW

UPDATE -- February 8: D.C. Department of Transportation sent their response to ANC 5E's resolution for safety measures on the 100 block of T St NW, you can read it here.

December 19: On December 19, I introduced a resolution that ANC 5E passed advocating for safety improvements including advocating for studying the closure of the street to incoming traffic from Rhode Island Avenue NW. The text of the resolution is available here. 

July 2023: DDOT: North Capitol Street Corridor Study

July 8: D.C. Department of Transportation (DDOT) recently released the initial results of the state of the North Capitol Street corridor as well as a  feasibility study for multiple deckover options. You can read the report findings here.

DDOT has held two meetings for the community to preview these findings, provide initial recommendations on safety measures at a number of key intersections along North Capitol Street. The next public meeting will be held in the fall. Please submit your comments for DDOT regarding what you'd like to see as proposed safety measures: northcapitol.streetcorridor@dc.gov

July 2023: DDOT Plans to Add Permanent Left Hand Turn from RI Avenue NE to Lincoln Rd NE - ANC 5E Resolution

Update # 2: DDOT has sent a letter in response to ANC 5E's April resolution which you can see here. Of note, that they will take under consideration additional safety requests, as well as look at traffic patterns and safety issues at the intersection of V St NE and Lincoln Rd NE to see if it merits a traffic signal to upgrade from the all way stop sign.

Update # 1: On April 18, 2023, ANC 5E voted to approve the resolution in support of safety improvements on Lincoln Rd NE and Rhode Island Avenue NE in response to the Notice of Intent. The resolution will now be sent to DDOT as ANC 5E's comments on this proposal. Many thanks to all residents who provided substantial feedback on this proposal, which formed the basis of the resolution. You can read the text of the resolution here.

Previous post 

March 15, 2023: The District’s Department of Transportation (DDOT) has issued a Notice of Intent for proposed changes at the intersection of Rhode Island Avenue NE and Lincoln Road NE.  The notice is available here


In short, DDOT would like to make permanent the left hand turn from Rhode Island Avenue NE to Lincoln Road NE and create a left hand pocket lane. Their notice includes a detailed explanation based on traffic volumes and patterns, as well as the proposed redesign of this intersection that would include adding a left turn pocket lane on Rhode Island Avenue. 


As part of the feedback process, Advisory Neighborhood Commission 5E will be submitting a letter to DDOT with their feedback. 


I would like to hear from you on your thoughts on this proposal that will help inform our feedback to them. This may include, for example, concerns about pedestrian safety, traffic flows and so on. In addition, if there are any additional street safety measures that you would like for DDOT to implement, please include those too. 

I am not fully opposed to the proposal, but if DDOT moves ahead with this, my main ask is that they need to prioritize safety measures along Lincoln Rd and V St NE, which residents have been asking about for years.


Residents will have a number of opportunities to share their feedback.