
This section will be updated on an ongoing basis with updates from different D.C. agencies. Information will also be shared via the biweekly newsletter. You can read past issues of the newsletter here.

June / July 2024: WMATA Better Bus / Network Redesign - Call for Feedback

Update as of  July 16, 2024: At the July 8 meeting, ANC 5E voted to oppose the section of the C55 bus route that would go on 1st St NW. I did not vote to oppose the route. Read more about my reasons for doing so here.

WMATA will hold a community meeting on July 31 at 7 p.m. to discuss the WMATA bus network redesign. Details of the meeting will be posted in due course.

Update as of July 5, 2024:  ANC 5E will hold a special meeting on WMATA Better Bus Network redesign on Monday, July 8 at 7 p.m. (meeting details listed here).  

At the meeting, participants will hear from different stakeholders, including DC Water and the District Department of Transportation (DDOT). 

ANC 5E will also consider a resolution that has been drafted by Commissioner Rapp (ANC 5E05) and myself. You can read the draft resolution here.

Update as of June 23, 2024: I have highlighted the key proposed routes in the list below that are used extensively by people in the neighborhood in the list below.

Please submit your feedback on the proposed bus network redesign by end of day (EOD) July 5 so that your suggestions can inform the text of the resolution that I will be working on for ANC 5E to consider. Email at 

Key changes in the new proposed network include:

Please send feedback by emailing me at

Update as of May 17, 2024: WMATA is doing another round of public outreach for the Better Bus Network Redesign project and debuted the Proposed 2025 Better Bus Network. As folks may remember, several commissioners from across Ward 5 and I were part of the Ward 5 Bus Network Taskforce organized by Councilmember Parker and had provided feedback on what a redesigned bus network should look like for Ward 5. The proposed routes would include an express bus service on Rhode Island Avenue NW (very similar to the former G9 route), and would also redesign the G2 route and the 90/92/96 routes. Take a look at the new proposed routes here and you can submit your feedback in a variety of ways here.

2023 Updates

Update as of June 6: The task force recommendations were endorsed by Councilmember Zachary Parker and sent to WMATA. The recommendations are available here

WMATA has extended the deadline and is collecting feedback on the draft visionary network until June 18.

May 11:  Recently, WMATA announced the draft visionary network for the bus system in the District, with proposed new routes that would better serve the needs of D.C. residents. 

The plan and proposed new bus routes are available here and here.

Ward 5 Councilmember Zachary Parker has convened a Ward 5 Bus Network Taskforce — of which I am a member along with other residents from the Ward — to provide our feedback and suggestions on the routes, including identifying gaps in the proposed network and advocating for the routes that we like.

Residents can send feedback to me ( or submit it to WMATA directly.  

DPW: Curbside Composting Pilot Program

September 29, 2023: Update! DPW will deliver composting kits to selected Ward 5 residents the week of October 5, and compost collection will begin the week of October 12. See update from DPW here.

July 14, 2023: D.C. Department of Public Works (DPW) recently notified residents who were selected for the curbside composting pilot program. The program will begin in mid-August. Per DPW, "selected households will receive an email in the coming weeks notifying them of the exact starter kit delivery and collection start date."